Why Almost Everyone Will Need Vision Correction At Some Point In Their Life
Age affects vision and almost everyone needs glasses at some point in their life. Learn why from the eye care experts at Wills Eye Physicians Bailey Weber Wisner. Why and how does age affect vision? As you age, your eyes change and your risk of disease increases. The...
What to Expect During and After a LASIK Procedure
The eye care experts at Wills Eye Physicians Bailey Weber Wisner explain what patients can expect during a LASIK procedure, and how to have a speedy recovery. What specifically happens during a LASIK procedure? From the patient’s perspective, it's pretty easy. We...
Are You a Good Candidate for LASIK? Learn How Age Plays a Role
While LASIK can improve long-term vision, not everyone is a perfect candidate. Learn what role age plays and how the experts at Wills Eye Physicians Bailey Weber Wisner factor it in when determining who is eligible for the procedure. What role does age play in...
LASIK Frequently Asked Questions
The eye care experts at Wills Eye Physicians Bailey Weber Wisner tackle your LASIK frequently asked questions and provide the ins and outs of this extremely common procedure. What is LASIK? LASIK stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. Basically, you're...
With Proper Steps, Cataract Surgery Recovery Can be Simple and Smooth.
When the proper steps are taken and followed, cataract surgery recovery is straightforward. Learn what the eye care professionals at Wills Eye Physicians Bailey Weber Wisner recommend for the quickest and easiest recovery possible. What is the typical cataract surgery...
What to Know and Expect Before Cataract Surgery
,Cataract surgery can seem like a scary process, but the experts at Wills Eye Physicians Bailey Weber Wisner want you to be prepared. Learn why cataract surgery is necessary, how it's performed and what to expect at the eye care facility. When should a cataract be...
Cataract Frequently Asked Questions
Ever wondered what a cataract is and how it's treated? The eye care experts at Wills Eye Physicians Bailey Weber Wisner answer cataract frequently asked questions about this extremely common condition, and the steps eye care professionals take to treat it. What is a...
Save Your Vision with Glaucoma Prevention
Taking preventive steps early can save your vision and stop you from going blind due to Glaucoma. Learn why regular and thorough eye exams are so important, and what steps the eye care professionals at Wills Eye Physicians Bailey Weber Wisner might take to confirm a...
Drops Vs. Lasers: Choosing The Right Glaucoma Treatment Options
Patients often ask about Glaucoma treatment options following a diagnosis. Whether it’s drops, lasers or surgery, the eye care professionals at Wills Eye Physicians Bailey Weber Wisner will work with you on a treatment plan to slow the progression of the disease....
The Importance of Early Glaucoma Detection
Early Glaucoma detection is key to preventing blindness caused by the disease. Learn more about Glaucoma, how it progresses and the steps the eye care professionals at Wills Eye Physicians Bailey Weber Wisner take to fight it and maintain your healthy vision. What is...